**An important message from Tom Stachura, Adjutant**
The Baden American Legion will host their first 911 ceremony on September 11th starting at 8:30 AM. Those interested in being involved are requested to meet at the Legion on Wednesday, August 23rd at 1900 hours (7 pm). Gerry States and Tish Wagner will host the meeting and provide valuable information.
The Home Association meeting will be Monday, August 21st starting at 1930 hours(7:30PM) in the downstairs hall. All regular legion members are invited to attend.
The Post meeting will be on Tuesday, August 22nd in the upstairs hall. The starting time will be 1730 (5:30PM) This is the installation of officers for 2023-2024. Dinner will precede the installation. Post, SAL and Auxiliary will be installed. Post officers to be installed will wear their funeral attire.
Membership cards are currently being produced and will be in sent prior to the end of August providing payment is made.
Arrangements are in the works for a POW/MIA ceremony in September. Details to follow.