


You are eligible for VA benefits if you are a uniformed Service member, Veteran, spouse, or child.  We are here to help you and your eligible dependents obtain compensation, education, health care, home loan, insurance, pension, employment, and burial benefits.  
Service Officer Hours:  Wednesdays 1pm – 4pm in the bar area.     


A message from the District 26 Commander:

Membership is important, not just for the American Legion but also for your community. If you want to know what your membership dues pay for, it “helps” pay for scholarships for our youth. It helps the Posts (your post) sponsor a baseball team, Golf outings, different charities, homelessness, and so much more. It helps donate back to our and your communities, which is what the American Legion is supposed to be doing. Being the leader in our communities is something that the citizens within admire and respect. John P. Cyprian, 26th District Commander

https://mylegion.org/PersonifyEbusiness/Membership/Renew RENEW MY MEMBERSHIP ←click here
The 26th District is raffling off a Paid-up-for-Life membership for $40. It is off the “sure sign-up” pull taps. You may email me back for more details.

District (26) is in 19th Position out of 28 (see district standings)-->(District Standings).
Copy and Paste Link →https://pa-legion.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/top-sheet-12-28.pdf

John P. Cyprian
American Legion
Department of Pennsylvania
26th District Commander

This page has been moved to the second page because membership is vital to our organization and all we stand for.